Nationals from a total of 53 countries are now eligible for Morocco’s electronic visa.

Rabat – Morocco’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation, and Moroccans Residing Abroad on Monday announced that nationals from Jordan, India, Guatemala, and Azerbaijan will benefit from the country’s electronic visa starting from January 10, 2023.

Morocco’s Press Agency (MAP) quoted the ministry’s statement as saying that the decision is part of Morocco’s efforts to digitize its public administration service, both at the national and internal levels.

The statement added that these reforms notably target consular services in the country’s diplomatic missions and consulates.

Launched earlier this year, the e-visa system aligns with the Moroccan government’s ambitions to boost the tourism sector and promote the North African country as a “favored destination for tourism and business,” indicated the source.

The move would also save tourists and business travelers wishing to visit the country from long, tiring bureaucratic procedures to collect a regular paper visa, and serves as an alternative to visas issued at the borders.

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